HIV: Meeting 'The Monster'

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is one of the most frightening viruses that exists in the world. Its constant rise is an alarming problem knowing that there is no cure discovered yet. Being so, prevention is the only thing that should be considered in order to avoid the enormous burden that it will cause.
Unawareness is one of the most problems that embraces HIV patients. Most people get the virus by having unprotected sex with someone who has HIV. The rise of this virus becomes worse if these fluids come in contact with a mucous membrane or are directly injected into the bloodstream. This mucous membranes are found inside the rectum, the vagina, the opening of the penis, and the mouth. However, the monster doesn’t just lay in bed. Don’t be mistaken about that. It can be shared by a mother to her baby during her pregnancy, labor or delivery, or even breast-feeding. Also, consider this common way of getting it by sharing drug needles with someone who has HIV. Take note that someone won’t get HIV from casual contact with a person infected with the virus. A simple handshake or a closed-mouth kiss won’t take any person to danger.
HIV attacks the immune system of the victim. Without a strong one, the body would have trouble in fighting off diseases. The last stage of HIV is AIDS or the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. People who have this infection have low number of white blood called CD4+ cells. And if too many CD4+ cells are already destroyed, obviously, the body can no longer perform well for it was already weaken by the virus and it will not be able to defend itself against infection which might pull the trigger and bring the patient to death.
For the record, the latest HIV/AIDS Registry of the Philippines (HARP) of DOH aforementioned that there were 804 new HIV cases just for January 2016. Despite that, Philippines has one of the lowest rates of HIV, yet has one of the fastest growing number of cases worldwide. National Capital Region already had 46% cases for January 2016. Region 4A (CALABARZON) had 16% cases, Region 7 (Central Visayas) had 9%, Region 3 (Central Luzon) with 7%, and Region 11 (Northern Mindanao) had 4% cases. Seeing this results indeed shows how the Monster spreads out in the country.
The rise of HIV is visible. However, there are still ways to reduce the risk of the infection. The use of condoms correctly every time you have vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Also, if injecting drugs, use only sterile injection equipment and water and never share the equipment with others. Another way to prevent HIV is to limit the number of sexual partners. Obviously, the more partners you have for sex, the more chance you’ll have for getting the infection. And sometimes, this is where blame game starts. It was also said that anal sex is the most risky type of sex for HIV transmission. Oral sex is much less risky than anal or vaginal sex. There is also an HIV prevention option for people who don’t have HIV but who are at high risk of being infected with the virus. You can talk to your health care provider and be informed about PrEP or Pre-exposure Prophylaxis. PrEP involves taking a specific HIV medicine every day. Dr. Joven Cuanang, neurologist and chair of a private hospital in the Philippines, said that the medical community feels the urgent to raise the public’s awareness regarding HIV.
The blame shouldn’t be just given to those who have this for there are instances that they were also victims of this monster. Awareness, as usual, has a very important role in this scenario. HIV/AIDS are preventable by good health and sex education. All the things that matter regarding from what HIV is, how can it be contagious, and how it can be prevented must take place to someone’s mind.
If you already have the Monster in your body, never let embarrassment at the thought of having this keep you away from the least possibility that you might be able to save your life. It is not the end yet. Don’t let the strings pull you closer to death if you are still able to run away from it. Instead, put onto mind that the importance of prevention is the real power in this case. It will automatically lock yourself and keep you away from the frightening monster that continues to spread out and take away people’s lives.