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Guilty pleasure of smoking

Addiction to drugs is one of the most common mental health problems today. One of the most common substance that embraces a huge number of people nowadays is cigarette. And indeed, cigarette smoking has been part of their daily routine.

Currently, there are 1.1 billion smokers in the world. In fact, the number is expected to rise to more than 1.6 billion in year 2025. In recent studies, tobacco is said to be responsible for about 6 million deaths each year. Nevertheless, most smokers would still continue to do so despite knowing this fact.

The usual question remains still. Are these smokers really aware of what kind of danger they’re bringing to their lives? Some may and most might not. Probably, they are aware and at the same time, they do not care. Smoking decreases tolerance for physical activities. This as well increases the tendency for blood to clot for smoking reduces blood circulation and it narrows blood vessels, depriving the body of oxygen and increasing the risk for heart disease.

According to American Lung Association, cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients. When they burn, they generate more than 7,000 chemicals. Thus, using this substance can cause cancer of the mouth and throat and lung cancer, and can increase the risk for stomach cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, and pancreatic cancer. About one third of all cancers are blamed to tobacco use. In fact, smoking is said to be the reason of 90 percent lung cancer cases.

Non-smokers would always ask as to why these smokers use cigar. Reasons might differ from every smoker. For young smokers, this might be part of friends’ bad influences. Teenagers experiment with this out of curiosity. Then, this taste can lead to a full-blown addiction. They become more strongly addicted to this substance and face an even greater risk for developing lung cancer. At the same time, using this might be their way to show maturity. Most of them would probably think that smoking is a cool thing to do while some might be suffering from psychological problems. This can also be seen as an act of rebellion. However, most smokers would say that cigarette for them can ease problems such as anxiety, stress or even depression. Their addiction in this substance help them find the peace they’re longing for.

Smokers need to be fully aware of the effects of substance in order for them to avoid this preventable problem. They should know the nature of cigarettes for it will give them better understanding on why it is imperative for them to get rid of it.

Cigarettes kill. And quitting smoking is not that easy. But using this will affect the users from all walks of life. Smokers make choice. Thus, their choice makes them as a consequence. The decisions vary by individual and so I think pointing out someone shouldn’t be the name of the game.

Life is a battlefield. It is not an easy rivalry between someone who wanted to stop smoking and the power of cigarette. However, progress is not impossible with change. They don’t have to change everything in their life. Although the problem may seem hopeless to stop, there are still lots of step that can be used as a stair to weaken the hold of this substance. There are still chances that should be grabbed in order to fuel one’s spirit in taking away the addiction in their system.

Remember that it is never too late to start a new beginning because every day is another chance to change something in every one’s life. Just what one article says, “You don’t recover from an addiction by stopping using. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier not to use. If you don’t create a new life, then all factors that brought you to your addiction will eventually catch up with you again.” Learn to give up those things which doesn’t matter in a man’s daily rituals because sometimes these things have been getting us into trouble and they will continue to ruin our lives if we will allow them and if we will not let them go.



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