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Drug Addiction: 5 Simple Things You Need To Know

Drug addiction is something that has gone rampant in our society. As our government wages its war against illegal drugs through killings, killings, and killings, we badly need a refresher course on how to cope with what some may call a “social stigma” or otherwise a “real change.”

Here are five simple things about drugs you need to know/refresh yourself with:

‘Drugs’ sounds serious. Are all drugs illegal?

Of course not. Drugs are classified in two: prescription drugs (medicines) and illegal drugs. The former circles on drugs that we use most of the time. Prescription drugs are easily bought at drugstores. These are obviously the kind of drugs that are recommended or prescribed by our doctor, hence the name. Some prescription drugs can be bought at drugstores even without a doctor’s prescription. These are called over-the-counter drugs. Illegal drugs, on the other hand, are drugs that cannot be found on drugstores as its distribution is obviously prohibited by the government because of its risky effects.

Why do people consume illegal drugs if there are already prescription drugs?

Most people who consume illegal drugs are those who are suffering from anxiety, depression or any another psychological disorder. They consume such drugs as an escape from their problems in the real world. They also consume illegal drugs because it gives them the satisfaction they need. Some illegal drugs have a side effect that can make someone really energetic for quite some time. But once the effect wears off, their feeling will get worse, resulting to further need to consume such drug, hence the term drug addiction.

Is illegal drug addiction something so dangerous?

Yes, of course. It is as dangerous as addiction to prescription drugs. Remember that both kinds of drugs were manufactured for a certain purpose: to make ourselves feel better. Which is why the doctors only prescribe us to consume a certain number of drugs at a certain frequency in a day or a week. Most drugs have side effects which is why we are discouraged to consume a lot of it. Illegal drugs can damage our brain, our heart, and other vital organs. Worst, it can lead a person to death.

Does being a drug addict equates to being a bad person?

Absolutely not. Most people rely on drugs (both prescribed and illegal) because they need to make themselves feel better for the sake of productivity and coping with the pressures of society. The ideology that being a drug addict is equivalent to being a dysfunctional member of the society is, as medical authorities would say it, nothing but plain bigotry. It is our policy against drugs that have singlehandedly discriminated drug addicts, which is why our war against drugs gets tougher every day. These drug addicts might look physically stable, but they are psychologically vulnerable. We should utilize our healthy selves in order to help those who are drowned at the consumption of drugs. The least we can do is to talk to them and understand their situation. Only then we can contribute in maintaining a peaceful environment in our society.

Is it possible to a society to be free from drug addicts?

No. Drugs, whether prescribed and illegal, will always be there. Those who will consume them will always be there. And those who will be addicted on consuming them will always be there. Surely, there are more numbers of drug addicts around the community than we expect. Drug addicts will always be a part of the society, whether a problem or not, they will always be there. In order to heal them, we have to accept them.



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