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DOH-V director eyes availability of dialysis center in BRTTH

LEGAZPI CITY—The region’s Department of Health (DOH) director Napoleon Arevalo is making sure that the dialysis center at the Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital will be once again available for patients.

This will be done once the health standards of the DOH are met.

Arevalo explained that the reason why the dialysis center was shut down before was because it did not meet certain standards that were required by the DOH.

Included among these were the lack of space to operate a dozen of dialysis machines and their failure to pass a microbiological test following the bacteria-contaminated water that was being used.

According to the DOH, the permit they acquired from the dialysis center only indicated six dialysis machines but the machines they saw during their inspection came to 12.

Such problems that were discovered by the DOH might pose a bigger threat to the health condition of future patients, which is why the DOH immediately sought the shut down of the center.

Meanwhile, they are recommending the hospital to relocate the patients to other dialysis centers in Legazpi City where most are private facilities.



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